история войн и военных конфликтов

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Сопоставление серий Historyczne Bitwy и Osprey Campaign окончание

Категория Historyczne Bitwy Osprey Campaign
Вторая мировая война, в том числе: 62, совпадений 29-30 (за счет сдоенного тома Сен-Назер-Дьепп) 142 (не включая 234 - Nomonhan 1939 \ Халхин Гол)
Кампания в Западной Европе 1939-1942
107 - Poland 1939 - Birth of Blitzkrieg
1939 CHOJNICE (234)
1939 IŁŻA (224)
1939 WARSZAWA (179)
1939 BZURA (10)
1939 LWÓW (107)
1939 POLESIE (202)
1939 WOŁYŃ (256)

183 - Denmark And Norway 1940 - Hitler's boldest Operation
1940 NARWIK (29) 380 - Narvik 1940 The Battle for Northern Norway
1940 FLANDRIA (218) 003 - France 1940 - Blitzkrieg in the West

264 - Fall Gelb 1940 (1) Panzer breakthrough in the West

265 - Fall Gelb 1940 (2) Airborne assault on the Low Countries

218 - Maginot Line 1940 - Battles of the French Frontier

219 - Dunkirk 1940 - Operation Dynamo

381 - Battle of Malta June 1940–November 1942


365 - The Balkans 1940-41 (2): Hitler’s Blitzkrieg against Yugoslavia and Greece
1941 KRETA (240) 147 - Crete 1941 - Germany's Lightning Airborne Assault
1942 SAINT-NAZAIRE - DIEPPE (326) 092 - St Nazaire 1942 - The Great Commando Raid
1942 SAINT-NAZAIRE - DIEPPE (326) 127 - Dieppe 1942 - Prelude to D-day
Война на море 1939-1945 ATLANTYK (225)

171 - River Plate 1939 - The sinking of the Graf Spee

288 - Taranto 1940 The Fleet Air Arm’s precursor to Pearl Harbor

397 - Cape Matapan 1941

388 - Naval Battle of Crete 1941

232 - The Bismarck 1941 - Hunting Germany's Greatest Battleship

394 - Operation Pedestal 1942

376 - Barents Sea 1942

356 - North Cape 1943
Кампания в Африке 1940-1943
073 - Operation Compass 1940 - Wavell's Whirlwind Offensive
1941-1942 TOBRUK (52) 080 - Tobruk 1941 - Rommel's opening Move

165 - Iraq 1941 - The Battles for Basra, Habbaniya, Fallujah and Baghdad

373 - Syria and Lebanon 1941

220 - Operation Crusader 1941 - Rommel in Retreat

196 - Gazala 1942 - Rommel's Greatest Victory
1942 EL ALAMEIN (71) 158 - El Alamein 1942 - The Turning of the Tide

312 - Operation Torch 1942 The invasion of French North Africa

152 - Kasserine Pass 1943 - Rommel's Last Victory

250 - The Mareth Line 1943 The end in Africa
Зимняя война
367 - The Finnish-Soviet Winter War 1939–40 STALIN'S HOLLOW VICTORY
Восточный фронт 1941-1945
129 - Operation Barbarossa 1941 (1) - Army Group South

148 - Operation Barbarossa 1941 (2) - Army Group North
1941 MIŃSK BIAŁORUSKI (172) 186 - Operation Barbarossa 1941 (3) - Army Group Center
1941 MOSKWA (24) 167 - Moscow 1941 - Hitler's First Defeat
1941-1944 LENINGRAD (14) 215 - Leningrad 1941-44 - The Epic Siege

245 - Demyansk 1942-43 The frozen fortress

254 - Kharkov 1942 The Wehrmacht strikes back
1941-1942, 1944 SEWASTOPOL (25) 189 - Sevastopol 1942 - Von Manstein's Triumph
1942-1943 STALINGRAD (16) 184 - Stalingrad 1942

359 - Stalingrad 1942–43 (1) THE GERMAN ADVANCE TO THE VOLGA

368 - Stalingrad 1942–43 (2) THE FIGHT FOR THE CITY

385 - Stalingrad 1942–43 (3) Catastrophe: the Death of 6th Army
1942-1943 ŁUK DONU (84)

281 - The Caucasus 1942-43 Kleist's race for oil

351 - Velikiye Luki 1942–43
1943 KURSK (7) 016 - Kursk 1943 - The Tide turns in the East

272 - Kursk 1943 The Northern Front

305 - Kursk 1943 The Southern Front

318 - The Kuban 1943 The Wehrmacht’s last stand in the Caucasus

331 - Smolensk 1943 The Red Army's Relentless Advance
1943 LENINO (8)
1943 PRZEBRAŻE (292)

291 - The Dnepr 1943 Hitler's eastern rampart crumbles

042 - Bagration 1944 - The Destruction of Army Group Centre
1944 WILNO (223)
1944 LWÓW (314)
1944-1945 WARSZAWA (145) 205 - Warsaw 1944 - Polands bid for Freedom
1944 SIEDMIOGRÓD (136)

343 - Petsamo and Kirkenes 1944 The soviet offensive in the Northern Arctic
1944-1945 BUDAPESZT (98) 377 - Siege of Budapest 1944–45
1945 POMORZE (235)
1945 KOSTRZYN (26)
1945 BUDZISZYN (4)
1945 BERLIN (1) 159 - Berlin 1945 - End of the Thousand Year Reich
Война на Тихом океане 1941-1945 1941 KO CHANG (79)
1941 PEARL HARBOR (204) 062 - Pearl Harbor 1941 - The Day of Infamy

139 - Guam 1941 & 1944 - Loss and Reconquest

144 - Wake Island 1941- A Battle to Make the Gods Weep

263 - Hong Kong 1941-45 First strike in the Pacific War

300 - Malaya and Singapore 1941-42 - The fall of Britain’s empire in the East

243 - The Fall of the Philippines 1941-42

304 - Darwin 1942 The Japanese attack on Australia
1941-1942 HOLENDERSKIE INDIE WSCHODNIE (232) 364 - The Netherlands East Indies Campaign 1941-42 Japan's Quest for Oil

344 - Java Sea 1942 Japan's conquest of the Netherlands East Indies

384 - Japanese Conquest of Burma 1942

392 - Early Pacific Raids 1942 The American Carriers Strike Back

156 - The Doolittle Raid 1942 - America's first Strikeback at Japan
1942 OCEAN INDYJSKI (289) 396 - Japan’s Indian Ocean Raid 1942
1942 MADAGASKAR (188)
1942 MORZE KORALOWE (255) 214 - The Coral Sea 1942 - The First Carrier Battle
1942 MIDWAY (47) 030 - Midway 1942 - Turning-point in the Pacific; 226 - Midway 1942 - Turning Point in the Pacific

247 - Santa Cruz 1942 Carrier duel in the South Pacific

018 - Guadalcanal 1942 - The Marines strike back

255 - The Naval Battles for Guadalcanal 1942 Clash for supremacy in the Pacific
1942-1943 GUADALCANAL (216) 284 - Guadalcanal 1942–43 America’s first victory on the road to Tokyo
1942-1943 ALEUTY (325) 333 - The Aleutians 1942–43 Struggle For The North Pacific

077 - Tarawa 1943 - The turning of the tide

326 - The Solomons 1943-44 The Struggle For New Georgia And Bougainville

146 - Marshall Islands 1944 - Operation Flintlock, the capture of Kwajalein and Eniwetok

137 - Saipan & Tinian 1944 Piercing the Japanese Empire

110 - Peleliu 1944 - The Forgotten Corner of Hell
1944 LEYTE (57) 163 - Leyte Gulf 1944 - The World's Greatest Sea Battle

282 - Leyte 1944 Return to the Philippines


378 - Leyte Gulf 1944 (2) Surigao Strait and Cape Engaño

313 - The Phillipine Sea 1944 The last great carrier battle

289 - Burma Road 1943-44 Stilwell's assault on Myitkyina

319 - Imphal 1944 The Japanese invasion of India

229 - Kohima 1944 - The Battle that Saved India

390 - The Reconquest of Burma 1944–45

136 - Meiktila 1945 - The Battle to liberate Burma

375 - East China Sea 1945

081 - Iwo Jima 1945 - The Marines raise the Flag on Mount Suribachi
1945 OKINAWA (6) 096 - Okinawa 1945 - The Last Battle

306 - Luzon 1945 The final liberation of the Philippines

325 - Corregidor 1945

348 - The Naval Siege of Japan 1945

200 - Japan 1945 - From Operation Downfall To Hiroshima And Nagasaki
Кампания в Италии 1943-1945 1943 SYCYLIA (63) 251 - Sicily 1943 The debut of Allied joint operations

257 - Salerno 1943 The Allies invade southern Italy

395 - The Winter Campaign in Italy 1943

339 - Kos and Leros 1943 The German Conquest Of The Dodecanese

155 - Anzio 1944 - The Beleaguered Beachhead
1944 MONTE CASSINO (174) 134 - Cassino 1944 - Breaking the Gustav Line

387 - Assault on the Gothic Line 1944
1945 BOLONIA (21)
Кампания в Западной Европе 1944-1945
236 - Operation Pointblank 1944 - Defeating the Luftwaffe

268 - Operation Neptune 1944 D-Day's Seaborne Armada
1944 NORMANDIA (44); 1944 NORMANDIA (328) 001 - Normandy 1944 - Allied Landings and Breakout

100 - D-day 1944 (1) - Omaha beach

104 - D-day 1944 (2) - Utah beach & the US Airborne Landings

105 - D-day 1944 (3) - Sword Beach & The British Airborne Landings

112 - D-day 1944 (4) - Gold and Juno Beaches

278 - Cherbourg 1944 The first Allied victory in Normandy

308 - St Lo 1944 The Battle of the Hedgerows

088 - Operation Cobra 1944 - Breakout from Normandy

335 - Mortain 1944 Hitler’s Normandy Panzer offensive

143 - Caen 1944 - Montgomery's Breakout Attempt

294 - Operation Totalize 1944 The Allied drive south from Caen
1944 FALAISE (113) 149 - Falaise 1944 - Death of an Army

320 - Brittany 1944 Hitler’s Final Defenses in France

194 - Liberation Of Paris 1944 - Patton's Race For The Seine

210 - Operation Dragoon 1944 - France's Other D-Day

249 - Vercors 1944 Resistance in the French Alps

024 - Arnhem 1944 - Operation Market Garden

270 - Operation Market Garden 1944 (1) American Airborne Missions

301 - Operation Market-Garden 1944 (2) - The British Airborne Missions

317 - Operation Market-Garden 1944 (3) The British XXX Corps Missions

235 - Walcheren 1944 - Storming Hitler's Island Fortress

075 - Lorraine 1944 - Patton vs Manteuffel

242 - Metz 1944 Patton's fortified nemesis

181 - The Siegfried Line 1944-1945 - Battles on the German Frontier
1944-1945 ARDENY (121) 005 - Ardennes 1944 - Hitlers Last Gamble in the West

115 - Battle of the Bulge 1944 (1) - St Vith and the Northern Shoulder

145 - Battle of the Bulge 1944 (2) Bastogne

223 - Operation Nordwind 1945 - Hitler's last offensive in the West

074 - Rhineland 1945 - The Last Killing Ground in the West

175 - Remagen 1945 - Endgame against Third Reich

178 - The Rhine Crossings 1945

350 - Nierstein and Oppenheim 1945

293 - Downfall 1945 The Fall of Hitler's Third Reich
Современные войны, в том числе: 14, совпадений 4 16, в том числе 3 - Корея, 5 - Вьетнам
Гражданская война в Китае 1946-1949 CHINY (191)
Гражданская война в Греции 1943-1949 GÓRY PINDOS (217)
Корейская война 1950 INCZHON-SEUL (130) 162 - Inchon 1950 - The Last Great Amphibious Assault

346 - Yalu River 1950–51

328 - Imjin River 1951 Last Stand Of The 'Glorious Glosters'
Первая Индокитайская война 1954 DIEN BIEN PHU (32) 366 - Dien Bien Phu 1954 THE FRENCH DEFEAT THAT LURED AMERICA INTO VIETNAM
Арабо-израильские войны 1956 KANAŁ SUESKI (264)

212 - The Six Day War 1967 - Sinai

216 - The Six Day War 1967 - Jordan and Syria

118 - Yom Kippur War 1973 (1) - The Golan Heights

126 - Yom Kippur War 1973 (2) - The Sinai
Вьетнамская война 1962-1975 WIETNAM (111)

345 - Ia Drang 1965

150 - Khe Sanh 1967-68 - Marines' battle for Vietnam's
1968 OFENSYWA TET (194) 004 - Tet Offensive 1968 - Turningpoint in Vietnam

371 - The Battle of Hue 1968

362 - Vietnam 1972 Quang Tri The Easter Offensive Strikes the South
Войны Че Гевары 1958-1959 KUBA (251)
1965 KONGO (237)
1966-1967 BOLIWIA (215)
Индо- пакистанские войны 1971 INDIE-PAKISTAN (252)
Афганская война
369 - The Panjshir Valley 1980–86 THE LION TAMES THE BEAR IN AFGHANISTAN
Украинская война 2014-2015 KRYM, DONIECK, ŁUGAŃSK (317)
Фолклендская война 1982 FALKLANDY-PORT STANLEY (151) 244 - The Falklands 1982 Ground operations in the South Atlantic

361 - The Falklands Naval Campaign 1982

Понятно, что у американцев нет ни одного выпуска по польским восстаниям и всего один выпуск по Польской кампании 1939 года. Поляки выпустили десяток номеров по Русскому фронту Первой мировой, а американцы один. Но поляки уделили внимание и западным битвам, которые не отмечены Оспри (Болонья 1945, Садова 1866, Мадагаскар 1942, Суэцкий кризис 1956, американо-мексиканская война, битвы при Гавгамеле, Магнезии). Всего между сериями 117 совпадений - примерно треть. Для сравнения: у отечественной серии 100 битв, которые изменили мир (200 выпусков) с Оспри 146 совпадений. Среди оставшихся 54 томов 15 имеют пересечения с серией Historyczne Bitwy.

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Анализ серии Osprey Campaign